• Moral Machine

    On: 7. Oktober 2016
    In: Automotive, HRI, Robots, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 1235

    Moral Machine, a platform for gathering a human perspective on moral decisions made by maxchine intelligence, such as self-driving cars.

    From self-driving cars on public roads to self-piloting reusable rockets landing on self-sailing ships, machine intelligence is supporting or entirely taking over ever more complex human activities at an ever increasing pace. The greater autonomy given machine intelligence in these roles can result in situations where they have to make autonomous choices involving human life and limb. This calls for not just a clearer understanding of how humans make such choices, but also a clearer understanding of how humans perceive machine intelligence making such choices.

    Recent scientific studies on machine ethics have raised awareness about the topic in the media and public discourse. This website aims to take the discussion further, by providing a platform for 1) building a crowd-sourced picture of human opinion on how machines should make decisions when faced with moral dilemmas, and 2) crowd-sourcing assembly and discussion of potential scenarios of moral consequence.



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  • Auftaktsitzung der Ethik-Kommission zum automatisierten Fahren

    On: 7. Oktober 2016
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 893

    Die von Bundesminister Alexander Dobrindt eingesetzte Ethik-Kommission zum automatisierten Fahren ist heute zu ihrer ersten Sitzung im BMVI zusammengekommen. []


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  • Selbstfahrender Tesla rammt Bus auf deutscher Autobahn

    On: 7. Oktober 2016
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 894

    Jetzt hat auch Deutschland den ersten Unfall eines Tesla-Autos auf einer Autobahn zu vermelden. Der „Autopilot“ war laut Polizei dabei eingeschaltet gewesen. []

    Experten des Verkehrsministeriums kommen nach SPIEGEL-Informationen in einem Gutachten zu dem Schluss: Der Autopilot im Tesla ist eine erhebliche Verkehrsgefährdung. Trotzdem weigert sich Minister Dobrindt, den Sportwagen auf deutschen Straßen stillzulegen. Was steckt dahinter? Normalerweise hätte es der Unfall nicht einmal in die Lokalzeitung geschafft: Ein Sportwagen fährt auf einen Reisebus auf, der Fahrer verletzt sich nur leicht, die Insassen des Reisebusses kommen mit dem Schrecken davon. Am Mittwoch vergangener Woche hatte sich dieser Unfall auf der A24 zwischen Berlin und Hamburg ereignet. Doch die Nachricht machte nicht nur landesweit Schlagzeilen, sie versetzte sogar die Beamten des Bundesverkehrsministeriums in nervöse Hektik. []


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  • Symposium „Mehr Radverkehr – aber sicher!“

    On: 27. September 2016
    In: Traffic Psychology
    Views: 915

    Symposium „Mehr Radverkehr – aber sicher!“ der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen und der Unfallforschung der Versicherer unter der Schirmherrschaft des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur am 21. September 2016 in Berlin. Die Verbesserung der Sicherheit im Radverkehr ist wesentlicher Bestandteil des Verkehrssicherheitsprogramms und Nationalen Radverkehrsplans des Bundes und bildet Forschungsschwerpunkte bei der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen und der Unfallforschung der Versicherer. Fachleute aus Wissenschaft, Forschung, Institutionen und Verbänden können sich beim Symposium über den aktuellen Forschungsstand informieren und über zukünftige Forschungsaktivitäten diskutieren. [Die Inhalte zum Download]


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  • Methodology for Field Operational Tests of Automated Vehicles

    On: 14. September 2016
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 1073

    Over the past decade a large number of Field Operational Tests (FOT) have been conducted to test Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in real traffic conditions with thousands of drivers. In order to ensure scientifically sound studies a FOT methodology was developed in the FESTA project. Currently we are on the brink of a new series of large scale FOTs, testing automated and autonomous vehicles. A common FOT methodology serves the following purposes: (1) to ensure that a systematic and scientific approach is taken by FOTs, (2) to enable the assessment of the impact of large-scale introduction of ITS on safety, mobility, efficiency and environment, (3) to be able to compare results of different FOTs, and (4) to build a community and facilitate knowledge exchange. FESTA focuses strongly on the drivers of vehicles, and the changes in their behaviour when driving a vehicle that is instrumented with new systems. In FESTA, it is recommended that driving with an ITS is compared with driving without it (the baseline). However, what will be the focus of the new FOTs? And what will be the main research questions these FOTs will address? And what is the baseline? Three types of focus can be distinguished; centred on the user, the vehicle or the context. In this paper we discuss the requirements for a methodology that addresses these three types of focus. We investigate how the current FOT methodology may be adapted or may need to be completely changed. Special attention is given to the type of data that is needed for baselines and for answering research and impact questions (c.f. Barnard et al., 2016). []



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  • Uber debuts self-driving vehicles in landmark Pittsburgh trial

    On: 14. September 2016
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 1030

    When Pittsburgh wakes up on Wednesday morning, some residents will have the choice of going about their day in an Uber that drives itself. The launch of Uber’s self-driving pilot program marks the public unveiling of the company’s secretive work in autonomous vehicles and the first time self-driving cars have been so freely available to the U.S. public. More than two years ago Uber – like most in the car business – identified autonomous driving technology as the springboard for the next stage of growth. []


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  • Drivers who talk on their hands-free mobiles while at the wheel are more at risk of having a rear-end shunt

    On: 13. September 2016
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 1018

    Talking on a hands-free mobile while driving raises the risk of having a rear-end shunt, scientists warn. A new study has found that motorists‘ brains become overloaded during phone conversations, costing them milliseconds of reaction time when the car in front brakes sharply. And it makes no difference whether they are using legal hands-free kits or breaking the law by having the handset clamped to the side of the head. Researchers from the Universities of Central Florida and Beijing Jiaotong selected 42 men and women aged between 30 and 40 and with driving licences. They were put behind the wheel of a car on a driving simulator and asked to negotiate an urban dual carriageway behind a vehicle driving at 50 kph (31 mph), which then slows to 40 kph (25 mph) before stopping suddenly. Each participant had three sessions in the simulator so they could perform emergency stops while holding a mobile to their head, while talking hands-free and without distraction – though the running order was chosen at random. To mock up the effects of having a conversation, drivers had to respond to a series of maths questions played over a speaker. Of the 126 emergency stops, seven ended in rear-end shunts, all of them involving mobile use, four of them hands-free. There were a further 15 near-misses – twelve of them involving mobiles, seven of them hands-free. Drivers with no distractions were faster to react when there was a large gap between the vehicles and quicker to apply the brakes. Those on the phone were quicker to spot danger when the cars were closer together and braked harder, suggesting that those using mobiles were aware that what they were doing was dangerous and so over-compensated. []


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  • Drivers warned: Hands-free phones are no safer than a normal mobile at the wheel

    On: 13. September 2016
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 1053

    A study found that motorists using a headset to talk will concentrate on an area of road four times smaller than usual, making it harder to spot hazards. Driving while talking on a hands-free phone can be just as distracting as talking on a hand-held mobile, warns new research. The study showed that the area of the road that hands-free motorists concentrate on is up to four times smaller than the average road user, meaning they often fail to spot and react to hazards – even when directly in front of them. Researchers say the findings disprove the popular belief that the use of a hands-free phone is less distracting than using a hand-held mobile. And their study could have ‚far-reaching‘ implications on the use and perception of hands-free phones while driving. The research, published in the journal Transportation Research, found that drivers having conversations which sparked their visual imagination detected fewer road hazards than those who didn’t. []


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  • Handy am Steuer: Am häufigsten auf der Autobahn

    On: 13. September 2016
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 1137

    Trotz hoher Unfallgefahr nehmen Autofahrer ihr Handy auf Autobahnen doppelt so häufig in die Hand wie im Stadtverkehr. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommen zwei noch unveröffentlichte Studien der Technischen Universität Braunschweig.



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  • Noch viel Potenzial zur Verbesserung für Fahrradfahrer

    On: 7. Juli 2016
    In: Traffic Psychology
    Views: 1038

    Studierende der Leuphana vergeben in Lüneburg für das Radfahrklima nur die Note 3. []


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