• Driving anger expression in Germany – Validation of the Driving Anger Expression Inventory for German drivers

    On: 18. März 2019
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 925

    Our most current paper on driving anger is online:

    Brandenburg, S., Oehl, M., & Hartwig, C. (2019). Driving Anger Expression in Germany – Validation of the Driving Anger Expression Inventory for German Drivers. Traffic Injury Prevention. DOI: 10.1080/15389588.2018.1493467



    Objective: The main objective of this article is to examine whether the Driving Anger Expression Inventory (DAX) applies to German drivers because this scale has previously been given to drivers in many different countries.

    Methods: We applied German versions of the DAX, the Driving Anger Scale (DAS), and the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI) to a sample of 501 German drivers. We computed confirmatory factor analysis and principal axis factoring (PAF) analysis to examine the structure of driving anger expression in Germany. Finally, we related the drivers’ anger exp ression scores to their driving anger experiences and their general anger propensities to assess the validity of the DAX for German drivers.

    Results: Results indicated that the DAX’s original factor structure does not apply to German drivers because the confirmatory factor analysis did not show a good model fit. An item analysis revealed that many DAX items had no meaningful variability. They were excluded from further analysis. The subsequent PAF analysis indicated that German drivers do not use personal physical aggression to express their driving anger. Instead, they reported unique preventive anger expression management behavior. In addition, their driving anger expressions were significantly related to their driving anger experiences and their general anger propensities indicated the validity of the refined DAX for German drivers.

    Conclusions: We conclude that German drivers do not use strong behaviors to express their driving anger. Many statements of Deffenbacher et al.’s (Behav Res Ther. 40:717–737, 2002) original American questionnaire were not applicable for our sample of German drivers. These findings are in line with several other studies showing discrepancies in driving anger expression in various countries. Future investigations should examine the reasons for discrepancies in driving anger expression.

    Keywords: Driving anger expression, personality and driving, Driving Anger Expression Inventory (DAX), emotions in driving



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  • Volvo drosselt Tempo seiner Autos

    On: 4. März 2019
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 961

    Ab 2020 soll kein Fahrer mehr in einem neuen Volvo sterben – das ist das Ziel des Konzerns. Der schwedische Hersteller begrenzt deswegen jetzt die Höchstgeschwindigkeit seiner Autos – und plant noch weitaus mehr.



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  • Workshop ‚Emotional GaRage‘ at Auto UI 2018 – Summary

    On: 16. Oktober 2018
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 989

    Our workshop ‚Emotional GaRage‚ at Auto UI 2018 in Toronto was the most well attended workshop at Automotive UI. The workshop was planned as a design thinking workshop to explore and design to user experiences of emotions in the vehicle. The workshop consisted of several exercises exploring the ways in which emotions could be detected, the relative difficulty of detecting different emotions in different channels, identifying the most significant emotions that occur during driving, speculating on how autonomous driving will change the emotions associated with driving and a design prototyping session in which people prototyped solutions to emotionally difficult situations on the road. At the end of the workshop we recorded one minute videos reflecting on our experiences.



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  • Mensch und Computer 2018 in Dresden (02.-05.09.2018)

    On: 1. September 2018
    In: Allgemein, Automotive, HRI, Robots, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 1059

    Die Ausbreitung der Informationstechnik in alle Lebensbereiche macht praktisch alle Menschen auf unterschiedliche Weise zu Benutzerinnen oder Benutzern von Computern. Wurde die Frage der Benutzbarkeit bisher primär für Computer am Arbeitsplatz gestellt, so stellt sich am Anfang des neuen Jahrtausends die Frage viel breiter. Die Frage der Benutzbarkeit ist eine zentrale Frage in einer sich entwickelnden Informationsgesellschaft. Die Konferenzreihe “Mensch und Computer” eine Anstrengung, um verschiedene Fachgebiete und Praxisfelder in einen fruchtbaren Diskurs zu bringen und um voneinander zum Nutzen möglichst vieler Menschen zu lernen.

    Die aktuelle Mensch und Computer findet in Dresden statt (02.-05.09.2018).



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  • Automotive UI 2018 – Emotional GaRage: A Workshop on In-Car Emotion Recognition and Regulation

    On: 13. August 2018
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 1020

    Join us for our workshop ‚Emotional GaRage‚ on in-car emotion detection and regulation at Automotive UI 2018, the ACM International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, is the premier forum for UI research in the automotive domain. The conference brings together researchers and practitioners interested in both the technical and the human aspects of in-vehicle user interfaces and applications, to provide a forum for the exchange of technical information concerning research (and practice) and educational activities for motor vehicle user interface development.



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  • Als die Punkte in den Norden kamen

    On: 30. März 2018
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 950

    Die Verkehrssünderkartei in Flensburg ist so bekannt wie gefürchtet. Der Film macht eine rasante Spritztour durch 60 Jahre „Verkehrsrepublik“ Deutschland.


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  • A Huge Global Study On Driverless Car Ethics Found The Elderly Are Expendable

    On: 26. März 2018
    In: Automotive, HRI, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 1048

    In 2016 researchers at the MIT Media Lab launched Moral Machine, a game of ethics which presents players with the kind of road choices which driverless vehicles will soon have to make. Should a driverless car swerve to save a pedestrian crossing the road illegally, while sacrificing its own passengers? Or should an autonomous car sacrifice its passengers to save a pedestrian? These life and death decisions are crucial, especially as they will soon be left to machines. Over the last year, 4 million people took part by answering ethical questions in Moral Machine’s many scenarios – which include different combinations of genders, ages, and even other species like cats and dogs, crossing the road. On Sunday, the day before the first pedestrian fatality by an autonomous car in America, MIT’s Professor Iyad Rahwan revealed the first results of the Moral Machine study at the Global Education and Skills Forum in Dubai.


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  • Auf die Dauer der Übernahmezeit kommt es an

    On: 26. März 2018
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 891

    Beim hochautomatisierten Fahren muss der Fahrer jederzeit in der Lage sein, zu übernehmen. Und den Verkehr rundherum einzuschätzen. Doch das dauert – oft zu lang.


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  • Ermittlungen nach tödlichem Unfall mit Uber-Roboterwagen

    On: 20. März 2018
    In: Automotive, HRI, Robots, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 995

    Nach dem ersten tödlichen Unfall mit einem selbstfahrenden Auto laufen die Ermittlungen an.


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  • Elektroautos bekommen künstlichen Sound

    On: 8. Februar 2018
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 849

    Elektro- und Hybridautos müssen ab Sommer 2019 im Stadtverkehr künstliche Geräusche von sich geben. Der Grund: Sie sind bei niedrigem Tempo sehr leise und werden von Fußgängern und Radfahrern leicht überhört. Sicherheit ist wichtig, aber ist es nicht auch paradox, dass geräuscharme Motoren auf diese Weise aufgerüstet werden müssen?


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