• Drivers warned: Hands-free phones are no safer than a normal mobile at the wheel

    On: 13. September 2016
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 1072

    A study found that motorists using a headset to talk will concentrate on an area of road four times smaller than usual, making it harder to spot hazards. Driving while talking on a hands-free phone can be just as distracting as talking on a hand-held mobile, warns new research. The study showed that the area of the road that hands-free motorists concentrate on is up to four times smaller than the average road user, meaning they often fail to spot and react to hazards – even when directly in front of them. Researchers say the findings disprove the popular belief that the use of a hands-free phone is less distracting than using a hand-held mobile. And their study could have ‚far-reaching‘ implications on the use and perception of hands-free phones while driving. The research, published in the journal Transportation Research, found that drivers having conversations which sparked their visual imagination detected fewer road hazards than those who didn’t. []


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  • Handy am Steuer: Am häufigsten auf der Autobahn

    On: 13. September 2016
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 1152

    Trotz hoher Unfallgefahr nehmen Autofahrer ihr Handy auf Autobahnen doppelt so häufig in die Hand wie im Stadtverkehr. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommen zwei noch unveröffentlichte Studien der Technischen Universität Braunschweig.



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  • UI, UX: Who Does What? A Designer’s Guide To The Tech Industry

    On: 13. Juli 2016
    In: Allgemein, Automotive, HRI, Robots
    Views: 1267

    UI, UX: Who Does What? A Designer’s Guide To The Tech Industry. How Apple, Facebook, Google, and more tech-world heavyweights describe their design jobs.

    Design is a rather broad and vague term. When someone says „I’m a designer,“ it is not immediately clear what they actually do day to day. There are a number of different responsibilities encompassed by the umbrella term designer. []



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  • The Most Important Design Jobs Of The Future

    On: 13. Juli 2016
    In: Allgemein, Automotive, HRI, Robots
    Views: 1237

    The Most Important Design Jobs Of The Future. Designers at Google, Microsoft, Autodesk, Ideo, Artefact, Teague, Lunar, Huge, New Deal, and fuseproject predict 18 new design jobs. []


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  • Zusammenstoß mit Lkw: Tödlicher Unfall mit Tesla-Autopilot

    On: 1. Juli 2016
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 1071

    Wie sicher sind autonom fahrende Autos? Der Elektrofahrzeughersteller Tesla meldet den ersten tödlichen Unfall eines seiner selbstfahrenden Pkw. Die US-Verkehrsaufsicht untersucht den Fall. []


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  • Driving to driverless: what will the future look like?

    On: 20. Juni 2016
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 1194

    Autonomous vehicles are coming to our streets. They will come in various guises: either completely driverless, sometimes without even the need for a steering wheel, or in a hybrid form combining manual and autonomous driving. As yet, we do not know how they will fit into our lives. Nor, do we know how these cars will change our societies. This is precisely why researchers – with expertise ranging from technology to social sciences – are investigating the impact of autonomous vehicles on our lives and on the way cities will be designed in the future. []


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  • China’s push for driverless cars accelerates

    On: 13. Juni 2016
    In: Allgemein, Automotive
    Views: 1202

    In the race for driverless car technology, Chinese companies are taking big strides competing with the likes of Google and Tesla. []

    Why China will win the race for supremacy in autonomous vehicles? []

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  • re:publica 2016 – re:think Mobility

    On: 5. Mai 2016
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 1114

    Nachlese zur re:publica 2016 …

    1) Auch auf der diesjährigen re:publica 2016 gab es wieder den Track „re:think Mobility“. Mobilität erreicht heute neue Dimensionen: Sprechen wir von der Zukunft von Mobilität, denken wir nicht mehr nur an autonome Autos oder Car Sharing Start-ups, sondern an einen gesamtgesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozess. Deshalb erkennen wir die Notwendigkeit eines branchenübergreifenden Austauschs über neue Innovationen, Zukunftsvisionen und strukturelle Veränderungen zwischen den gesellschaftlichen Teilsystemen Wirtschaft, Politik und Wissenschaft. In unserem Track re:think Mobility mit unserem langjährigen Partner Daimler beleuchteten, diskutierten und reflektierten wir die Entwicklung der Mobilität aus verschiedensten Perspektiven.

    2) Beyond driving – how a car of the near future could look like: The world of mobility is on it’s way to disruptive changes. Cars of the future will be connected with the outer world and will drive autonomous with an electrified power-train. This will have a major impact on the way the future automotive interiors are going to look like and how they are going to be used. Based on these trends, at Bosch we see the automotive interiors evolving into what we call as the 3rd living space. See and discuss the future car Human Machine Interface and user experience.


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  • A Focus on Distractions

    On: 13. April 2016
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 1222

    Psychology plays a huge role in terms of trying to understand how drivers are interacting with technology.

    “We’ve found that if you talk on a cellphone while driving, the odds of getting in a crash are four times higher than if you’re not talking on the phone,” Strayer says. “That’s basically the same odds as if you are legally drunk. It doesn’t matter if it’s hands-free or not — cognitively, you’re just as distracted.“



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  • Hohe Ablenkung durch Handy am Steuer

    On: 12. April 2016
    In: Automotive, Traffic Psychology
    Views: 1251

    Alarmierend viele Autofahrer werden durch das Lesen und Tippen von Nachrichten auf Smartphones abgelenkt und sind damit ein ernsthaftes Verkehrsrisiko. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt eine noch unveröffentlichte Studie der Technischen Universität (TU) Braunschweig.



    Wenn man junge Menschen fragt, ob sie das Smartphone am Steuer nutzen, bekommt man erstaunlich ehrliche Antworten. Fast jeder gibt es zu – allerdings folgt immer eine Ausrede, warum das gar nicht so schlimm sei. Was sagt der Experte zu unseren Ausflüchten?




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